Janhvi Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter are set to reunite on the silver screen in an upcoming film produced by Karan Johar and directed by Neeraj Ghaywan. This marks their first collaboration since their debut together in ‘Dhadak.’
A source close to the project revealed to Peeping Moon, “It’s a well-written, ensemble-cast drama that Neeraj Ghaywan has been working on for the past two years. Both Janhvi and Ishaan have enormous admiration for the director’s work and quickly came aboard the film as it offers them roles that are a complete departure from what they played in ‘Dhadak.’ They had been itching to collaborate once more since their first movie and are thrilled to have found the perfect reunion recipe in Neeraj’s film.”
The film, currently in pre-production, promises to be a dramatic departure from their previous collaboration, with both actors set to take on roles that showcase their versatility and growth since ‘Dhadak.’
Filming is scheduled to begin in Bhopal in October 2024.