Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha joined the ranks of Bollywood’s elite couples by making a chic appearance together at Wimbledon 2024. Following in the footsteps of Sidharth Malhotra-Kiara Advani and Sonam Kapoor Ahuja-Anand Ahuja, the recently married duo attended the prestigious event, drawing attention with their sophisticated style.
The couple was spotted watching the Men’s Singles Final on Sunday, where Carlos Alcaraz triumphed over Novak Djokovic in a thrilling match. Raghav Chadha looked dapper in a brown blazer paired with a white shirt, exuding classic elegance. Parineeti Chopra complemented his look perfectly, donning a pristine white ensemble. She opted for a minimalistic approach with loose tresses and understated accessories, both adding a touch of glamour with their sleek black shades.
Their appearance at Wimbledon not only highlighted their fashion sense but also signaled their status as one of Bollywood’s most stylish couples.